Back-Channel Diplomacy and Ripening the Conditions for Peacemaking
We are currently active in several distinct conflict contexts. Due to the sensitive nature of our work, and our commitment to maintaining parties’ confidentialities, we are unable to disclose details of current and recent-past projects. Historically, projects have focused on behind the scenes work in the Middle East, to ripen the conditions for high-level mediations and negotiations. Today, the geographical focus of Oxford Process’ projects has expanded and it has established a sister organisation, Geneva Process. It is based in Switzerland and directed by Dr Louisa Chan-Boegli. It draws on a group of highly qualified and respected professionals who have experience in helping to establish dialogue situations around the world. Moreover, Oxford Process works quietly behind the scenes to prepare parties to participate in peace talks. Our retreat in the United Kingdom, provides a safe space for participants to think and explore options for making peace.